Thursday, November 02, 2006

Smashbox - I adore you!

As I have aged, cough cough, I have noticed that new products have been introduced into my make up kit. The product that I have been most surprised by is BLUSH.

I was always under the impression that blush was for old ladies or 7 year olds that snuch into their mom's make up. Blush has some how slipped past me as a useful tool.

I have smashbox to thank. Their collection of blush's has not stopped amazing me. First of all, the colors are amazing. Secondly, the packaging, super cute, modern, simple and clean. And lastly, everyone who works for smashbox knows make up and is super helpful.

Intermix Fusion Soft lights is my favorite - you can layer this on. It can make a dead tired face come to life in 20 seconds. The picture is not of the color combo that I use.

PRINCESS TIP - To give yourself a quick royal pick me up, when you are next giving yourself a pedicure or a manicure, grab a hot tea. Don't serve yourself the hot tea in that nasty mug that you use every day. Use the Royal Dalton, or Waterford, or whatever nice set that you might have (or can "borrow" from your nana).

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

No seriously, I like it!

So on my recent trip down to Roanoke, I was introduced to this fabulous little Elizabeth Arden warehouse. Oh yes, I was in heaven. Eyeshadows for 50 cents! Lipsticks for $1! Needless to say, there was some money dropped there.

Among the hundreds of perfume samples, I sniffed the Britney Spears perfume Curious. I never thought that would ever like anything by Miss Brit. I figured that her perfume would smell a bit like Coors Light, stale smoke with a dash of Cheetos.

But no, it's fabulous. Plus the super cute bottle with the old fashioned atomizer - I think that all perfume should be bottled that way.

So, my best friend bought me the gift kit, with the perfume, lotion and shower gel. And more. Happy Belated Birthday to Me! (Thanks Miss Chloe- I totally needed a bit of pampering! And I will always buy you a full size milkshake.)

A Princess Tip: I never thought it really mattered, but then, I started doing it myself. Always wear the lotion of the perfume that you are wearing. It will help you maintain a fab smell for much longer.